
Our most recent Ofsted inspection took place in June 2024 and we are pleased to confirm that we were rated as GOOD overall for the quality and standards of our early years provision.

The ratings in the various assessment areas were:

The quality of education GOOD
Behaviour and attitudes GOOD
Personal development GOOD
Leadership and management GOOD
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection GOOD

    The summary of key findings concluded:

    “Children are happy and enjoy their time at nursery. Staff are friendly and kind.
    They eagerly welcome children and their parents when they arrive. The managers
    and staff have high expectations for all children. They provide a welcoming and
    interesting environment and children confidently make their own choices about
    what they would like to play with. Staff deploy themselves well so that they are
    readily on hand to support children’s play and learning. Babies enjoy listening to
    familiar stories. They eagerly find plastic animals to match what they see in the
    story, and they excitedly copy the sounds that the animals make. The oldest
    children have good friendships in the nursery. They enjoy playing imaginatively
    together. They create maps and work together to follow their maps using
    magnifying glasses to find the treasure.
    Leaders and staff have good procedures in place to keep children safe. For
    instance, staff recognise that the garden can be too hot for children at certain
    times of the day, so they carefully consider when it is safe to take children outdoors
    to play. Children behave well. They listen and follow the rules in the nursery and
    staff set clear and consistent boundaries to help children know what is expected of


    Since my daughter started at Highnam she has loved every minute of the time she spends there. Highnam was a natural choice when considering the best possible care for my daughter after visiting many Nurseries.

    My daughter has grown in confidence since attending Highnam Day Nursery due to the professionalism and secure attachments and emotional security she has with all staff. All staff whether they are her key worker or not know my daughter by name and to me that illustrates the family feel and sense of belong that she has in the Nursery.

    The staff continually adapt learning experiences to enable my daughter to be curious and inquisitive and encourage her to be a motivated learner about the world and her surroundings while ensuring a high level of safety.  Should an accident occur the team inform me straight away and this communication as a parent is vital.

    The staff monitor my daughters progress and provide daily communication and insight into her development and next step planning ensures her learning develops. This is very much a partnership between Nursery and home.

    Staff have developed her self-care and independent skills while ensuring her safety is still paramount.

    Staff have time for parents when I am dropping or collecting my daughter to discuss how she slept and how her morning has been which is really important in terms of meeting my daughters holistic needs.

    I feel all of the staff genuinely want the best for my daughter and they celebrate with me the many milestones she will encounter as she becomes older and moves through the Nursery.

    As a parent we are part of the Nursery family as well and the staff pull out all the stops to plan exciting enriching trips plus Christmas Fayres, BBQ’s, Quiz Nights and even started a child and adult book share library (which my daughter loves) to name but a few so this is testament to their dedication above and beyond for my daughter.


    We think that Highnam Day Nursery is a fantastic setting and we have been very happy from the first interaction when putting L’s name down to today. The staff are professional and always friendly, and it is clear that your team really care for the children as is evident from seeing the strong relationship you’ve all built with L.

    Mr and Mrs B

    The staff at Highnam Day Nursery have become extended family over the 2 years we’ve been part of this community. You know our children like we do, spending so much time with them, caring and supporting them, wanting the absolute best for them. We feel so incredibly lucky to know they are in the very best care.  

    We really want you to know how much we treasure you all.

    Mr and Mrs P

    We cannot tell you how much we appreciate all of you! Owen and I know it’s a team effort that ensures the smooth running of the nursery, so we Thank each and every one of you for all your hard work.
    Our children are the most precious things on this planet, and you treat them as such, & give them the very best start to their lives. And Owen and I know that C is loved and safe with you all. You were only the other people to have held him, bar us, during lockdown. That is how much we trust you with our child. 
    And I think all you need to know is that every day for the last week, that we pick C up from nursery, he tells us ‘nursery was fun mummy & daddy!’. Xxx

    Mr and Mrs B

    To all the marvellous staff at Highnam Day Nursery. You have been part of our family for the past five years and I truly believe our children have benefited from your warmth, generously and nurturing. You have helped tremendously in enabling Ed and I to continue working in jobs we love, especially during the pandemic, when you went above and beyond. We will miss you all terribly when Elsie starts school but know you have given her the ability and confidence to move on and continue to grow into an awesome (slightly crazy) person.

    Mr and Mrs D

    Contact Us


    01452 416000



    Opening Times

    8:00am until 6:00pm
    Monday to Friday

    Find Us

    Highnam Day Nursery
    Lassington Lane
    Gloucester GL2 8DH

    Contact Us